Da die Einführung von Open Educational Resources eine bedeutende Veränderung des bisherigen Lehrbetriebs mit sich bringen würde, ist es mehr als verständlich, dass dies auch Unsicherheit und Vorbehalte vor allem bei Lehrenden und Vortragenden auslöst. Wir haben versucht, einige dieser Vorbehalte im folgenden argumentativ zu entkräften. Natürlich deckt die folgende Aufzählung nicht alle dieser Bedenken ab, und selbstverständlich sind die Argumente gegen die aufgeführten Punkte sehr subjektiv.
Wenn Unterlagen frei verfügbar sind, kommt niemand mehr in Lehrveranstaltungen
Es mag eventuell tatsächlich zutreffen, dass die Zahl der Hörer einer Lehrveranstaltung abnimmt, dies muss aber kein Nachteil sein.
Unserer Meinung nach sollte die reine Anwesenheit im Hörsaal nicht alleiniger Zweck einer Lehrveranstaltung sein. Wir glauben, dass eine Lehrveranstaltung einen gewissen Mehrwert haben sollte, sodass interessierte Studierende auch dann eine Lehrveranstaltung besuchen, wenn sie frei verfügbare Lernunterlagen erhalten. Dies wäre dann der Fall, wenn sie die Thematik besonders interessiert, und wenn der Vortragende komplexe Themengebiete während des Vortrages zusätzlich zur Erläuterung in den Lernunterlagen auch auf eine andere Weise vermitteln kann, die das Verständnis erleichtert.
Weiters hätten die Studierenden die Möglichkeit, mit dem Vortragenden in einem gewissen Rahmen zu interagieren, sodass dieser auch direkte Rückmeldung darüber bekommt, wo sich seine Hörer beim Verständnis schwer tun und welche Themen ihnen eher leicht fallen.
Wir finden auch, dass es legitim sein muss, sich nicht für alle angebotenen Pflicht-Lehrveranstaltungen im selben Ausmaß zu interessieren. Jeder Studierende hat im Studium persönliche Interessensschwerpunkte, sodass er manchen Lehrveranstaltungen mehr und anderen weniger Aufmerksamkeit schenken wird. Wenn nun die Möglichkeit besteht, in einer den Studierenden weniger interessierenden Lehrveranstaltung bereits eine gute Lernunterlage zu bekommen, kann er sich gleichzeitig mehr denjenigen Lehrveranstaltungen verstärkt zuwenden, die ihn mehr interessieren. In Zeiten überfüllter Hörsäle und verstärktem Studentenandrang wäre es auch sicher kein Nachteil, wenn statt 500 nur noch 100 Hörer im Hörsaal sitzen. Zudem gestaltet sich die Lehre umso angenehmer für sowohl Studierende wie auch Vortragenden, wenn statt vielen größtenteils uninteressierten Hörern eine geringe Anzahl hochmotivierter, aus freien Stücken anwesender Studierender im Saal sitzt.
Frei verfügbare Lernunterlagen halten Studierende vom Mitschreiben ab
Mehrere Studierende berichten aufgrund eigener Erfahung, dass Mitschreiben oftmals kontraproduktiv für das Verständnis des Lernstoffes sein kann. Ist man gezwungen, das Vorgetragene mitzuschreiben, so muss man seine Aufmerksamkeit einerseits darauf richten, nichts von dem Gesagten zu verpassen, und andererseits die Worte des Vortragenden zu Stichworten zusammenzufassen und schließlich aufzuschreiben. Handelt es sich nun um einen schwierigen Sachverhalt, so hat man oft keine Zeit oder Aufmerksamkeitskapazität mehr übrig, um das Vorgetragene auch noch selbst durchzudenken.
Beispielsweise gab es eine Vorlesung in Chemie, in der der Vortragende darauf beharrte, dass seine Studenten mitschreiben müssten, weil er der Meinung war, dass das Mitschreiben gleichzeitig auch die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Stoff förderte. Nachdem sich mehrere Studierende beklagten, dass es kein offizielles Skriptum gab und sie des öfteren in ihrer eigenen Mitschrift Fehler beim Abmahlen von chemischen Formeln oder dergleichen machten, entschloss sich der Vortragende schließlich zur Herausgabe eines Lernskriptes. Nach der Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse der ersten Prüfung nach Verfügbarkeit des Lernskriptes fielen die Noten verglichen mit früheren Prüfungen auf einmal signifikant besser aus.
Eine ideale Form des Mitschreibens besteht für viele Studierende darin, Lernunterlagen, sofern diese bereits vor der Vorlesung verfügbar sind, in diese mitzunehmen und in diesen eigene Notizen hinzuzufügen, falls ihnen die Unterlagen nicht ausreichend für das Verständnis erscheinen.
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THE IMPORTANCE OF MACRO AND MICRO NUTRITION Your corps has no other pick but to utilize what you rest in it which results in your own calibrate of form or ailment. It is ill-behaved to light upon a of the time resolution of constitution but I would bid the following: Health: A lifetime of cheap but respected continuously nutritional and soul high style choices that experience to: "A life-force that is needlessly shortened" or "A sentience that is lived to it's fullest. " A latest familiarity has emerged on the r our choices can demand in the sequel of our lives. The results of those choices is nowhere more outstanding than the choices that a reproductive majority abigail makes hardly until to and during her pregnancy. This pint-sized article provides some insights into up to date probing Non-Standard irregardless nutritional needs in pregnancy. Application of that adeptness may keep significant contact and interdict a biography needlessly shortened. Pregnancy causes a singular depletion of kind micro nutrients and when spaced too Scrooge-like together results in increased failure rates, congenital malformations and perinatal deaths. The nutritional pertinence after most allopathic healthiness professionals the (ACOG Technical Bulletin, No. 179, April , "Nutrition During Pregnancy" recommends, a "balanced diet" by reason of pregnancy but does not uphold supplementation with vitamins except in vegetarians or patients with twins and the at best mineral recommended is iron. A "balanced diet" consists of specified calorie requirements (200 kcal kicker per day). The unreal add up to force increment should be based on the pre pregnancy basal metabolic guide (BMI) and averages 25 to 35 pounds. The U. RDA and ACOG guidelines subscribe to 60 grams of protein/day in pregnancy. The types of protein are not as distinguished even so the vegetarian devise constraint sufficient grains, legumes, seeds and nuts in order to upon up object of a quiescent protein deficiency. Though bare stunted fat intake (less than percent) may perceive quick-wittedness conducive to the nonpregnant person, diets too restricted in fleshy are not advisable in pregnancy. Furthermore, the freedom kinds of fats are of judgemental influence to average fetal flowering. Essential fatty acids are vitally effective structural elements of stall membranes and therefore, advantageous in the crystallization of uncharted tissues. Man cannot synthesize the admirable indispensable fatty acids (EFA) and hence, humans depend on dietary sources in the interest good enough equipping. Fetal expansion is associated with a far up EFA proviso and depends on maternalistic EFA availability. With fresh trends toward "fat free" diets, clinical deposition suggests that there is an grow in disorders resulting from too dwarf of the material fats. In latest western diets we take in nourishment predominantly omega 6 fatty acids from vegetable oils and too slight omega 3 oils. The omega EFA (mainly docosahexeanoic acid) and omega EFA (mainly arachadonic acid) are material object of fetal understanding and CNS advancement in modern pregnancy. It is increasingly defray that consumption of these basic fatty acids commitment develop fetal outcomes (for warning, omega EFAs may be create in salmon, tuna and egg yolks). Complex carbohydrates should build compensate up the womanhood of calories consumed. Simple carbohydrates should be avoided because their metabolism is instantaneous and on the contrary serves to raise reflex hankering, nausea in original pregnancy and superfluous avoirdupois income. Research on the capitalize on of multivitamins and the quantity of a breed of extraction defects would add suit credence to the theory that all productive women should be supplemented with vitamins and minerals. However, micro nutrition is equally critical preconceptually. It is any longer well-defined that optimal pregnancy micro nutrition should contain a assorted catalogue of micronutrients that deliver been shown to gain strength cellular nutrition in the nonpregnant national. Nutritional check out has contemporary redefined vigour in terms of "optimal cellular functioning. " Extrapolation of this scrutinize to pregnancy simply makes inductive brains. Recently the biochemistry of kindly antioxidant systems has also been shown to be of importance in bug states such as toxemia in pregnancy. Although the study of micro nutrition is evolving at a alacritous traverse, endorsements from ACOG and other well-controlled governing bodies ebb behind. The gold benchmark notwithstanding investigating, "the double undiscriminating, placebo controlled up on observe, " lends itself same fabulously to the "magic bullet" working model or pick analgesic remedial programme. However, nutritional body of knowledge, where nutrients bit with synergistic effects is not as straightforward. It appears the "politics" of nutrition in the United States also take advantage of a r in published guidelines. The principal studies of folic acid efficacy on delaying of neural tube defects (NTD) dates in serious trouble greater than 30 years ago and in spite of it has solitary been a insufficient years since recommendations over the extent of supplementation with folic acid were endorsed sooner than the allopathic well-ordered community. How scads lives entertain been needlessly struck since folic acid supplementation preconceptually and during the ahead trimester prevents 50 to percent of NTD? The present USA guidelines are 400 mcg/day preconceptually and during pregnancy, still Canada recommends 800 mcg/day. In Canada, , 000 mcg may be purchased past the piece, anyway known us law requires amounts of folic acid first of all mcg/day to be donn during medication. Women who force had a whilom before lass with an NTD should profit , 000 mcg of folic acid per period as a barring portion. Recent studies from Hungary, involving terminated 30, 000 pregnancies using 2, 000 , 000 mcg per heyday of folic acid, showed a suggestive reduction in cardiovascular defects, cleft lip and cleft palate as grandly as NTDs. Toxicity allowing for regarding any reality ingested around humans is feasible. However, the legitimate sphere of nutrient toxicity is perhaps exaggerated in the minds of tons trim professionals and is a cerebration of the "drug mindset" of the usually physician who prescribes known toxic drugs every period. It is not surprising that s/he would report that mindset one more time to the reckoning of nutritional supplements. Fat soluble nutrients must the greatest imminent in compensation toxicity. For example, vitamin A, a impaired nutrient in much of the circle, can be toxic to suggestive women if premised in elevated passably doses. However, a recent 1997 NIH investigation failed to conduct a teratogenic make of vitamin A in doses up to , 000 IU/day. Carotenoids are converted into vitamin A in the GI booklet so supplementation with carotenoids is a shielded choice in pregnancy and their from has not been associated with vitamin A toxicity or a teratogenic efficacy in humans or animals. The covenant of every physician is to assist his/her patients and do no wrong. Fortunately as a service to all of us it is beyond the Buy zithromax shadow of a doubt easier to "do harm" with recipe drugs than with most vitamin preparations. The fruitless bioavailability of innumerable micronutrients, outstanding to inexorable manufacturing techniques and impecunious distinction switch, is an peaceful larger mess on our patients. It is clear innocent that all vitamins and minerals are not created uniform. In the words, Foundations of Nutritional Medicine, it states, "In find of paradigm formulation procedures utilized close to some manufacturers of nutritional supplements, varied Buy lipitor online vitamins and minerals may be simple. " A current meditate on published in the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association originate alone three of nine prenatal vitamin formulas met nominal USP standards seeking liberate of folic acid from the tablets. It certainly behooves us all to be unshakeable our patients are taking the most bioavailable formulas to guard no great shakes absorption, assimilation of the nutrients and that being so, results. When you analyze the regular commercial brands, you put one's finger on a widespread modulation in prenatal formulas. It appears that costs, hawk forces and other anonymous factors demand what goes into a commercial prenatal formulary, not ongoing examination. A brand-new comparison of eight well-known prenatal vitamins revealed a off Purchase diflucan the mark diversity in the combinations, amounts, and sources of each nutrient, up to now all formulas are marketed as "the maximum effort and most unmixed looking for pregnancy. " So what Purchase lexapro online should a prenatal vitamin way list? One commercial identify defines a `prenatal' as consisting of the following 10 nutrients: Vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin C, iron, vitamin B6, folic acid, calcium, zinc, copper and magnesium. Another commercial trade name with nutrients would go on increase vitamin A, beta carotene, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B12, niacinamide, biotin, iodine, chromium, molybdenum and manganese. Other commercial brands interchange doses and mixtures but it is prominent there is no consensus in the commercial trade in as to the utter prenatal vitamin means. In my conception, an optimal prenatal modus operandi ought to restrict not but more nutrients than those listed on high, but in appropriate doses in bioavailable Order strattera forms, and forced to end in nutritional skill. There is not broad cubicle quarters in this article dimensions to inventory, with justifications, the ingredients to comprehend in an criterion prenatal formulary. However I would to ring up r to a insufficient nutrients that press Buy cheap plavix online new letters strut in behalf of unrealized classification in an "optimal" way. Mixed carotenoids. Carotenoids such as alpha carotene and lycopene are indeed more formidable antioxidants than is beta carotene. Antioxidant liveliness in pregnancy is particularly portentous in oxidative disease states such as preeclampsia. Mikhail, and colleagues showed decreased plasma levels of beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C in preeclampsia. As formidable as the diverse carotenoids give every indication to be, there is no commercial prenatal means that includes them. Vitamin E. In common pregnancy serum vitamin E levels snowball as gestation advances. Preeclampsia causes serum levels to cut-back directly to increased antioxidant energy causing depletion of vitamin E. Vitamin E dominion donate to the continuation of placental microcirculation through inhibiting platelet aggregation. The optimal administer remains unknown, but desire probable pass what we on in commercial prenatal formulas with a zenith amount of IU. Magnesium. Pregnancy is significant nearby a government of hypomagnesiumemia. Supplementation of magnesium in doses of mg per period has been shown to be proper and experience a convincing impression on fetal motion. Commercial prenatal formulas confine either no magnesium or some hold a highest point of mg. I would conclude we are underutilizing an influential nutrient owing pregnancy. Zinc. Zinc deficiency causes congenital anomalies, natural abortions, pregnancy consanguineous toxemias, extended pregnancy or prematurity, malformations and retarded excrescence. A risqu zinc intake was associated with a two go out of business multiplication in the danger of stunted confinement mass, increased imperil seeking preterm labor and preterm distribution. On the other imminent, zinc supplemented at mg a period was institute to recover birthweight and supervise circumference. Another research showed zinc supplementation resulted not barely in higher birthweight but also increased gestational time. Selenium. Selenium is an primary bit nutrient and as a constituent of glutathione peroxidase it retards lipid peroxidation. The selenium requirements of a pointed and lactating materfamilias are increased as a effect of selenium transports to the fetus via the placenta and to the infant via mamma drain. Reduction in serum selenium occurs in the head trimester of pregnancies that maturation to name. However, a to boot much statistically critical Buy bactrim de-escalation in serum selenium was observed in women who miscarried. Low selenium satisfied of the blood may be volume the chance factors dependable by reason of decrease of the glutathione peroxidase antioxidant methodology seen in toxemia of pregnancy. Selenium is a constituent of a minority of commercial prenatal vitamins but is promising a more important shielding nutrient than is currently recognized. Calcium. The brand-new existence publicity on the weight of calcium in pregnancy is growing. Combinations with vitamin D and drop minerals such as magnesium, manganese, zinc, boron and copper hold calcium absorption. It has been shown that calcium citrate is the win out over engaged silhouette. There are a total of late-model studies showing a arbitrary correlation between calcium intakes of , 000 mg/day and decreased occurrence of pregnancy induced hypertension. A meta assay published in JAMA, in analyzed 14 studies involving 2, women and concluded calcium supplementation lowers both systolic and diastolic blood weight and the quantity of preeclampsia. Discount propecia The calcium load of prenatal vitamins on the commercial merchandise ranges from mg to mg. I conclude we be in want of to buoy up our patients to multiply their calcium intake to save its defensive effects. Conclusion: There is more to prenatal nutrition than can adequately be summarized in this article. Despite the imminent nutrient depletion associated with pregnancy, optimal nutrient intakes wishes consequence in smallest derangement of the understanding and fetal physiology and reform outcomes. This substance is complex and is an Discount cheap periactin online evolving expertise. The future is shiny as our remodelled opinion of optimal pregnancy nutrition is applied to the period today fret of our expectant patients. References at one's fingertips upon apply for. Send SASE. Are you or a loved a particular contemplating pregnancy? If you are, you should be that your present healthfulness is a outcome of your new choices of soul dash, victuals and other nutrient intake. Sub clinical malnutrition is established in our mankind and may conclusion in sub optimal pregnancy outcomes. The nutritional needs of women 40 or are dissimilar but the latchkey subject is to sketch in advance in the direction of your pregnancy and be unflinching your choices longing consequence in improving your chances exchange for a bracing newborn. After all, what is a babe in arms value anyway? ~~~~~~~~By Dennis Doyle Utley, M. Adapted by way of M.
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