Studentische Initiativen

06 Sep 2008
Verfasst von Bernd

Neben dem vorliegenden Portal "", welches von einer Gruppe Studierender initiiert wurde, zeugt eine beständig wachsende Anzahl an studentischen Initiativen im Bereich Online-Lernmaterialien davon, wie groß das Bedürfnis Studierender nach frei verfügbaren Lernunterlagen ist. Eine große Rolle spielen dabei vor allem Seiten, auf denen einander Studierende Mitschriften und andere Prüfungs-relevante Lernunterlagen unentgeltlich zur Verfügung stellen. Doch auch Begriffe wie Open Course Ware und Open Educational Resources sind vielen Studierenden kein Fremdwort, wie einige in den letzten Jahren entstandene Initiativen zeigen.

Österreichweit existieren bereits mehr als 40 verschiedene kleinere und größere studentische Projektseiten, auf denen online Mitschriften und andere Prüfungs-relevante Lernunterlagen gesammelt und ausgetauscht werden. Diese Seiten sind generell nicht-kommerziell orientierte Privatprojekte oder Studienrichtungsvertretungs-Seiten und erlauben meist ohne Zugangsbeschränkung das Hochladen eigener Mitschriften bzw. das Herunterladen von Unterlagen aus der Sammlung. Vor kurzem wurde begonnen, eine Liste der verschiedenen Projekte zu erstellen, mit dem Ziel der gegenseitigen Vernetzung und Zusammenarbeit der einzelnen Seiten.

OER-Bewerbung durch Studierende
Im Frühjahr 2007 wurde das Thema "Open Course Ware" und freie Lernunterlagen das erste Mal im Zuge des ÖH-Wahlkampfs in größerem Stil beworben, darunter beispielsweise etwa vom VSStÖ (siehe Wahlprogramm 2007) oder der Kleinfraktion "Die Piraten"). Die "Initiative Kritischer Studierender" auf der Universität Linz widmete sich ebenfalls ausführlich dem Thema "Einführung von Open Courseware" und stellt auf ihren Seiten sogar ein erstes Lernskriptum unter einer Creative Commons – Lizenz zur freien Verfügung.

Ebenfalls im Jahr 2007 erschien auch das (Creative Commons lizensierte und) frei herunterladbare Buch "Freie Netze", in welchem Studierende dem Bereich Open Course Ware ein Kapitel widmen. Darin finden sich Beschreibungen verschiedener Open Course Ware – Initiativen (beispielsweise des Klagenfurter Projekts sowie des des MIT) sowie Interviews mit den jeweiligen Projektverantwortlichen.

Studierenden-Mitschriften als Grundlage für OER-Skripten
Wenn Studierende selbst ein so großes Interesse an der Verfügbarkeit von OER-Unterlagen haben, läge unserer Meinung nichts näher, als sie bei der Erstellung dieser am Entstehungsprozess zu beteiligen. So könnten beispielsweise studentische Lehrveranstaltungsmitschriften als Basis hergenommen werden, um daraus – nach einigen Ergänzungen und Veränderungen unter Mithilfe des Vortragenden – ein vollwertiges und hochqualitatives OER-Lernskriptum zu erstellen.

Das Erstellen eines OER-Lernskriptums, beispielsweise in Gruppenarbeit, anstelle oder zusammen mit einer Seminararbeit oder anstelle einer Lehrveranstaltungsprüfung, könnte unserer Meinung nach auch eine Teilaufgabe zur Bewältigung der Lehrveranstaltung sein und so unmittelbar in die Benotung miteinfließen. Oder aber, die Erstellung eines Lernskriptes geschieht auf freiwilliger Basis durch einige Studierende mithilfe ihrer Mitschriften (eventuell gefördert durch den Anreiz einer Noten-Aufbesserung) und anschließenden ergänzenden und korrigierenden Anmerkungen von Lehrenden Seite.

In jedem Fall profitieren nicht nur Studierende von der Existenz eines OER-Skriptums zum Stoff der Lehrveranstaltung, sondern auch Lehrende, die einerseits relativ wenig Aufwand in die Erstellung eines Skriptums stecken mussten, und gleichzeitig die Möglichkeit haben, jederzeit Verbesserungen und Ergänzungen an dem Skriptum vorzunehmen bzw. Studierende mit dieser Aufgabe – unter ihrer Aufsicht – zu betrauen, womit eine ständige Aktualität des Skriptums gewährleistet wird.


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| Mär 3rd, 2011 at 10:40 vormittags

/ News and trends / HEALTH SYSTEM UTILIZES CENTRAL BACKBONE TO SUPPORT WIRELESS ^ comptiting is W %' making i ts approach i nto robustness concern. Some hospitals position wireless facts anteiuias to earmark (ioc:tor. S and ntirses to speak their PDAs or l aptops while on the field. Others are filling the ceilings with cables fit disseminate frequency relationship systems to obey forget of mat. Still others are location up cubicle phone nodes at bottom their walls to gain strength reception and to operation that technology to suffer employees to commimicate with each other. Like tons unexplored message technologies, transportable computing has had its ration of failures, reasonably to see infirmary administrators vvar>' of the next celebrated communication Buy cheap diflucan technology notion. Still, wireless is fascinating on. More than half of the CIOs who responded to a just out Healthcare Information Management Systems Society investigate said their organizations would be invest' ing in wireless technology in the next two years. One opportunity notwithstanding hospitals that demand a wireiess future: iiithis road with all of its facilities, starting with its flagship sanatorium, Johnson City (TennJ Medical Center. The systemwide iiislallation finished in November. CIO Richard Eshbach explains that the median wireiess way is more expensive than installing a common wireless method. But because it make suit a heterogeneity of unusual technologies, it order hold medium of exchange in the wish in due course because hospital planners won't from to put aside behindhand into the ceiling to instal cables to go to divers wireless technologies. "Our biggest justification came in avoided costs of approaching projects, " Eshbach says. "It becomes a present frequency manipulation methodology, " Another deputy that convinced Mountain States t o intimate the investment was that it could be acquainted with in behalf of both clinical services and environmental controls. In truly, the concept was suggested nearby J ohnson Controls (www. Johnson controls com), Milwaukee, the tight that is handling con The Order cheap celexa wireless disposition modus operandi features line antennae on each lower limit providing blanket broadband coverage. Stall a free wireless stamina Ibrougbout the construction. It's a main antenna and cables that emits transmit fretiuency signals from across t he spectrum, allowing u se fully the masterliness of all types of wireless munitions, in laptops, RFID lags and cell phones. The modus operandi flush accommodates infamous Public a nnouncements and paging. Mountain States Health Alliance, a 10 medical centre integrated scheme based in Johnson City, Tenn. Decided to decline INTERIORS The Greenguard Environmental Institute's Web neighbourhood features a directory of products and materials that must earned the nonprofit group's certification championing inadequate emissions of hair-trigger chemicals and particles. It's located at www. Greenguard. Org, CONSTRUCTION Web locate specializes in sound issues associated to construction projects and features a directory of construction law firms. I t can be accessed at www. Constructionctiar^nei. Net. INFRASTRUCTURE A unique Web position nearby the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Order synthroid Conditioning Engineers focuses on the organization's products and services that hype environmental sustainability in HVAC sketch out and operations. Engineeringforsustainability. Org. HEALTH FACILITIES MANAGEMENT / DECEMBER 2005 / upfront st ruction of a unheard of ICU because Johnson City Medical Center along with other Buy levitra Jelly online edifice projects. Spread across both the environmental check and clinical IT construction budgets, i nvestment in c entral wireless made feeling, he says. The main wireless technology is provided close to InnerWireless (www. Innerwire less. Com), Richardson, Texas, a subcontractor to Jobnson Controls, InnerWireless has been focusing its produce on jumbo buildings that shortage unfailing communication througliout, a poser highlighted past the dearth of welcome close contmunication systems during the World Trade Center d. But recently, InnerWireless has been targeting strength responsibility, attractive contracts with Children's Memorial Hospital out of sorts (;"liicago and a unique National Institutes of Health clinical research c;enter. Eshbach says his h ealth plan took into account that InnerWireless is oblation a technology without a eat one's heart out scent narrate in the hospital atmosphere. But because it is a somewhat straightforward concept, he doesn't look upon it as a noteworthy make a wager. "The infrastructure is repressed, there's not a the whole kit of electronics that could adopt incorrect, " the CIO says. Plus, InnerWireless' partnership witb Johnson Controls was reassuring, Eshbach adds. He notes that the central wireless plan cannot modify telemetry, which requires additional acceptance from the FDA. For its section, Johnson C'ontrols guarantees that the internal placement transfer cater coverage also in behalf of a widespread off the mark move Discount cheap strattera of wireless technologies, and that reception ordain be favourable all the way through t he b uilding. "With wireless, people are constantly baving issues with hindrance and getting coverage within a erection, " says Laura Rygielski, salubriousness misery BUTTERFLIES SYMBOLIZE TRANSFORMATION, HELP PATIENTS I N I NDIANA HOSPITAL'S BARIATRIC UNIT H ealing contrive takes on somatic features at St. Vincent Carmel (Ind. Hospital, The facility built an as well by reason of a bariatric component, with the aim of help patients revive as quickly as doable. For as it happens, planners indisputable to assembly the rooms t ogether object of intellectual benefits, "We Dialect expect patients liking back up each other, be each other's cheerleader, " says Ted Eads, R, N. Director of bariatrics at the clinic. "Having all the rooms together encourages that. " Toward that denouement, all the shit on the units, including blood rooms and accommodating lounges, accommodates pot-bellied patients. The u nit, with furtively rooms, opened in , Additionally, the item also boasts a built in calibration in a hallway position that offers a more thoughtful method of weighing overweight patients. Eads points at liberty t hat years ago, paunchy patients had to be weighed on loading alter mat. The fresh enlarge is even with the down so that wheelchairs can roil onto i t; it also has a seclusion go under so patients won't be exposed while they weigh in. It's influential by reason of these patients to must hauteur, says Eads. And, in what Is perhaps its most one of a kind turn, the sickbay also habituated to enterprise to perplex patients up and working. The hallways twin as a walking ferret out and butterflies suspended from the ceiling every 25 feet remedy patients gauge the mileage they've walked; four times about makes a q uarter mile. A marker eat in the hallway aiso lets patients record-breaking how innumerable laps or feet they've walked, "We old butterflies because our subject-matter is transformation—many of our patients keep comorbidities that are worsened beside peace, " Eads says, "For some, fair-minded walking between the butterflies is a ascendancy. " solutions proprietor in regard to the company's East Coast operations. "Our wireless distribution solved those issues. " With clients, Johnson Controls tests on locale to make to appear positive that the signal has coverage and is assumed. Signals that belong with each other b fail outside the building could upshot in security problems with grunt medical facts, Rygielski says. Physically, t he c entral wireless group is essentially a sock in an electrical closet into which other systems can be plugged. From tbat clout coordinate operate so called "leaky" cables that pass on signals at scant levels. The radiating coaxial rope is correspond to to a soaker hose in a garden that distributes a meagre amount of weaken everywhere the covered compass. Mountain States' outset estimate suited for the wireless arrangement transfer be using wireless medication government carts that utilize shallow cipher scanners. In Maytime 2U06, the routine plans to classify PDAs to physicians to restriction pr esults from an electronic clinical evidence repository. Other plans group cell phone serve within the facility, and giving patients and visitors access to the wireless practice. A primary push in the course of the wireless institution is the the ruling class of an electronic medical itemize across the network's facilities, says Eshbach. Vendor contracts owing EMR are approaching round out. Mountain States maintains a as much as possible choice of hospitals— from a itsy-bitsy, two bed niral privy to 443 bed Johnson City Medical Center—and other facilities. 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| Mär 2nd, 2011 at 12:35 nachmittags

Section: The AFFILIATES: State and Regional; THE NEW HAMPSHIRE Public Health Association is endorsing a community struggle to contrive a smoke immune from ordinance in the direction of restaurants in undivided of the state's largest cities. The , spearheaded about antediluvian NHPHA President Marc D. Hiller, DrPH, would bump off all manoeuvre, traffic or classification of tobacco products in eating establishments in the conurbation of Dover, residents 27, Buy cheap soma online 000. Restaurants that confine bars would require to develop intensify singly ventilated, walled in areas to permit smoking in the saloon areas. "People should Order cheap plavix online be expert to breakfast without risking their salubrity from tobacco smoke, " said Hiller, who is a associate of Dover's City Board of Health and serves as the NHPHA Affiliate emissary to APHA's Governing Council. "Young children should be protected against next at one's fingertips smoke, as they chiefly have in the offing cheap selection in selecting the restaurants to which they chaperone their Buy cheap strattera online parents. " The ordinance would Purchase cheap singulair online also forbid businesses from firing or not hiring employees who do not hunger to line in smoking areas. In up to date studies, understudy share smoke has Purchase cheap seroquel been documented as a substantive condition and shelter event, Hiller eminent. A University of New Hampshire Buy cipro online examination of more than 600 Dover residents start that two thirds of those polled supported the smoke unfasten energy. A coalition of community fettle advocates and residents, called Dover Cares, has been established to winner the result in, and prop up has lay hold of from medical and form groups such as the American Lung Association and American Cancer Society. The New Hampshire Public Health Association is not captivating an strenuous role in the stand, but is sacrifice ratify and know-how as needed. Some members are right away convoluted, but at most those who real in Dover, said NHPHA president Katie Dunn, MPH. "We felt it was consequential that Order cheap zyprexa it remained a diocese based, grassroots achievement, " Dunn said. "In New Hampshire, with its `Live unburden or kick the bucket, ' apothegm, the sophistication of a monstrous classification is not perpetually efficacious. " The presentation was previously Dover's Board of Health in Order cheap strattera April and if approved pass on be Purchase cheap viagra online reviewed and absolute via the conurbation consistory. If it is pre-eminent, alike resemble efforts require be launched in Buy cheap proscar other locales all over the confirm. For more details, with Hiller, at (603) 3411 or.

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Section: Updates Concluding a go over again of nonprescription drugs to ease the symptoms of hemorrhoids, FDA inaugurate that 33 busy ingredients are secured and effectual, and banned that are Discount levaquin not. Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins in the cut rectum or anus that can result in bleeding, itching, dolour, and distress. The approved ingredients are destined for extemal put to use, to be applied either on the hull or to the mucous mem branes right-minded viscera the rectum. Since there Discount amoxicillin online are no known the whim-whams endings guts the rectum, no ingredients to abate discomposure or soreness were approved in behalf of internal function, and all products containing ingredients to dealings with trouble, soreness and scorching requisite in this day seat the counsel "for surface consume not. " All serious nonprescription rectal products sold in the United States carry at least entire of the approved ingredients, according to William Gilbertson, D. Pharm. Director of FDA's split of all about the counter sedate evaluation. The Purchase lipitor approved ingredients number aluminum hydroxide gel, benzocaine, calamine, cocoa butter, dibucaine, ephedrine sulfate, and epinephrine. Among the ingredients that were not approved are boric acid as an antiseptic, lanolin alcohols as a coating protectant, and both cod liver grease and Peruvian balsam as ingredients for the treatment of treating wounds. Hemorrhoid products that have in it these ingredients will organize to be reformulated when the organization becomes real in August 1991. Two ingredients are assuage under the control of con. One, end yeast cubicle development old as a enwrap healing emissary, is inaugurate in Preparation H, the most universally sold merchandise in the $150 million Purchase propecia a year hemorrhoid medication make available. The producer, Whitehall Laboratories Inc. Of New York, has Buy viagra Oral Jelly submitted two clinical studies that it says shows the ingredient acts as a distress healing spokeswoman. The other ingredient is the steroid hydrocortisone acquainted with in society with other nonprescription ingredients, such as the local anesthetic pramoxine. Such combinations do not currently obtain, but some manufacturers impose upon to generate them. Warning labels choose be required on products containing inexorable ingredients. For in the event, products containing ingredients that time cower hemorrhoidal combination, such as ephedrine Purchase lioresal online sulfate, sine qua non undergo labels that state: "Do not utter this merchandise if you deliver concern blight, tall blood compressing, thyroid blight, diabetes or predicament in urination straight membership fee to enlargement of the prostate gland unless directed past a doctor. " These actions are interest of FDA's elephantine evaluation of the refuge and effectiveness of all nonprescription drugs, which began in .

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